For Parents » Uniforms


SJCHS Uniform Policy
At St. John Catholic High School, the uniform is a source of pride and helps to build school community. Students who enroll at St. John Catholic High School do so with a complete and full awareness of uniform requirements. Therefore, by choosing St. John Catholic High School, students and parents agree to abide by the established School Uniform Policy.
The basic requirements for attending classes are that students are to wear a uniform shirt with uniform pants, shorts, or a kilt, along with appropriate footwear. When wearing options such as the uniform sweater, students are to ensure that a uniform shirt is worn underneath. All uniform items are to be purchased from R.J. McCarthy.
Uniform Expectations
  • Students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform throughout the school year, including examination days.
  • The uniform is to be worn for the entirety of the full school day including lunch, supervised study periods, and spares, in ALL areas of the school.
  • Uniforms will be worn on all school trips unless otherwise specified by school administration.
  • Students are expected to display a neat and orderly appearance. All bottoms must be worn at the waist and clothing should be kept clean and in good condition.
  • There is to be no alteration of the school uniform (including but not restricted to pinning the backs of shirts, re-hemming/fitting of pants, rolling up pant/short legs or kilts, etc.)
  • Students will not be admitted to class if not in uniform. For a first infraction, the student may borrow an item of uniform clothing from the office. For second infraction, parents will be notified, and the student will be assigned a detention. For additional infractions, the student will work in isolation in Student Services until a uniform can be obtained/brought to the school. Students not admitted to class will be responsible for all work missed. Repeated infractions may result in a school suspension.
  • Under exceptional circumstances, the Principal/Vice-Principal may grant a uniform exemption. Uniform exemptions require a medical note from a doctor that clearly outlines the need for the exemption. 
    Coats and jackets are not to be worn in the building during the day and are to be kept in lockers.
  • Only solid, plain white or black shirts can be worn under uniform shirts. (Hoodies are not permitted underneath uniform shirts.) Graphics, scripts, or designs are not acceptable. A uniform shirt must be worn under cardigan sweaters, vests, and half zip polos.
  • Only solid black tights may be worn under uniform kilts.
  • Baseball caps, hats, bandanas, and other headwear are not permitted during school hours and should be left at home or in the student’s locker. Accessories must be in keeping with the spirit of the uniform. The following are unacceptable: wallet chains, studded belts, collars, or bracelets, scarves, gloves (of any style), etc.
Dress Code for Physical Education
  • Students in the intermediate division are expected to change for gym classes and wear indoor athletic shoes for gym activities. Students are expected to wear an appropriate t-shirt and shorts, tights, or sweatpants.
  • High School students are required to wear McCarthy school gym uniforms (shorts, t-shirt).
Spirit Wear & Casual Dress Day Attire
Spirit Wear Days: 
Most Fridays throughout the school year, students may wear articles of school Spirit Wear clothing in conjunction with their uniform pieces. Spirit Wear pertains to clothing purchased from various school clubs or sports teams reflecting the school culture of SJCHS.
Casual Dress Days: 
Student Council requests days throughout the year during which students may choose to wear clothing other than the regular school uniform. Students and staff who choose casual dress attire on these days will make a contribution (usually $2.00) to a designated charity.
On Casual Dress Days, students are expected to maintain respectful, appropriate, and modest attire reflecting our positive school culture.
Families are asked to use solid judgment, keeping in mind that the following are NOT acceptable: 
  • Spaghetti/thin straps, or low cut tops/dresses;
  • Muscle shirts, crop tops, see-through material;
  • Short shorts or low-riding bottoms;
  • Exposed undergarments;
  • Hats, bandanas, fish net stockings, or pocket chains;
  • Monogrammed clothing or accessories promoting sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, or racist messages.
Final interpretation of our School Dress Code is the responsibility of School Administration. 
Purchasing Uniforms
To ensure uniformity, all uniform items must be purchased through R.J. McCarthy Ltd., the school’s sole supplier chosen through a comprehensive tendering process. School uniform items, as outlined in the school uniform policy, must be purchased from the approved supplier. The school approved supplier is R.J. McCarthy Ltd., located at 3250 Ridgeway Drive, Unit #8, Mississauga, ON (904-820-4520 or 1-800-668-8261) or you can order online at McCarthy Uniform Store.
In-School Uniform Store
The SJCHS in-school uniform store is open for sizing only, on Tuesdays from 2:00-5:00pm. The McCarthy School website is the only way to process orders, returns etc. If you require additional information, please call 613-267-4724 x116.
Used Uniforms
The St. John CHS Catholic School Council holds an annual Used Uniform Sale at the end of the summer.