Applying to University
University Open Houses
Universities across Ontario are opening their doors to prospective students! To find out dates and times of Open Houses, check out this website:
Ontario Virtual Universities Fair is a great way to hear from several different universities in one evening.
This year, the dates are October 11th, November 9th and December 1st. Registration is required. Click here to find out more and sign up:
University Applications
You are not alone in the application process! Our guidance counsellors will help you complete your university applications. We begin applications in early November, after we receive PINs from the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC). The application deadline for students is January 17th, 2023.
The OUAC is an application processing centre for undergraduate admissions to Ontario Universities. The OUAC receives student applications, processes them and transfers the information to the universities. The OUAC does not make admission decisions; that is the universities’ responsibility.
Ontario universities are committed to creating equal access to higher education for all academically qualified students with disabilities. Go to OUAC to connect with each university in Ontario and their accessibility contacts and resources.